Achim von Michel strengthens LMU Advisory Board
In his role as BVMW Country Representative for Politics in Bavaria, WORDUP Public Relations Managing Director Achim von Michel has been appointed to the Advisory Council for Advanced Scientific Education at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich, to provide practical support to the program.
Achim von Michel himself holds a Master degree from the LMU and was already a visiting lecturer at the Department of Psychology at the traditional Munich university.
Continuing vocational training at LMU
With the scientific further education the exchange between entrepreneurial practice and scientific research should be deepened. Therefore, the LMU in Munich offers seminars, dialogues and other formats of knowledge transfer, which are open to all interested specialists and executives.
The advanced training of the LMU is advised by the high-caliber program advisory board, which consists of representatives of selected companies and organizations as well as professors of the economic and social sciences. The Advisory Board accompanies the development of scientific further education at LMU and also strengthens its practical relevance. The chairman of the advisory board, Prof. Dr. Felix Brodbeck was very pleased about the cooperation with the BVMW: “We are pleased to incorporate practical insights from the SME sector into our continuing education offers through the cooperation with the Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft e.V.”
Learning from top scientists
The topics of the advanced training courses at the LMU range from human resources and organizational psychology to HR strategies and the role of agility in the company. The scientists teaching there have outstanding scientific qualifications in their field. In addition, they have many years of practical experience through cooperations with companies, business organizations, the civil service and the medical, social or scientific sector.
The training courses offered by the LMU are therefore geared to representatives from business, administration and science as well as from the health, social and education sectors. The programs give them an insight into current research results, inspiring academic impulses at one of Europe’s leading universities.
The current program of further education at the LMU can be found here.