Corona pandemic: TWS Partners with incentive strategies in mainstream German media
Whereas the fear of a fourth wave in Germany is becoming ever greater and more acute, our neighbors in Denmark are beginning to live a normal life again. 85 percent of the population there is already fully vaccinated, as opposed to just under 65 percent in Germany. But how can the willingness to get vaccinated be further strengthened without government coercion?
Marcus Schreiber, founding partner and CEO at our client TWS Partners, talks about this with the well-known virologist Melanie Brinkmann in an interview in SPIEGEL. The aim is to provide incentives for those who have not been vaccinated and who have not made an appointment to be vaccinated for reasons of convenience.
DER SPIEGEL magazine has a reach of around five million readers, while DER SPIEGEL DIGITAL also records almost 25 million unique users per month. WELT, Focus, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, RND and Münchner Merkur also reported online on the interview with the behavioral economist and virologist. In addition, a statement by Marcus Schreiber was broadcast on Morgenmagazin in ZDF’s October 5, 2021 edition. His message: “If citizens were to receive an official invitation to the vaccination appointment, they would have to actively decline it. But that is rather not in the nature of dutiful Germans.”
With its many years of experience in advising companies in the economic as well as political environment, WORDUP PR succeeds in providing its clients with the best possible perception in the media landscape in Germany. Publications in leading German media, including SPIEGEL, Forbes, Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche, Capital, and other leading business publications underscore the agency’s high level of consulting expertise in challenging economic policy issues.