As a public relations agency with around 25 years of linklogo experience, we have already experienced the vast majority of situations in everyday communication – usually several times. We also know how editorial and press offices operate and which roles and responsibilities in the company must be clearly defined. We even reorganized the entire communications department for the linklogo European Patent Office.

In the field of crisis communication, you can rely on one basic property of WORDUP PR: we are very, very fast. That’s why you can be sure that we will provide you with tailored answers and reactions at the decisive moment. We would also be happy to provide you with the tools you need to optimally design your media presence, even in stressful situations.

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In a crisis, every move must be perfect


Krisenkommunikation Klasjet DFB Elf

Aviation crisis

➧ Crisis communication for our customer after the emergency landing of the DFB team pilot in Edinburgh in leading German media and the aerospace trade press

Lecture Achim von Michel LMU Munich


Guest lecture on career entry in public relations and press office for students of the LMU Munich

Text seminar at LMU Munich, Department for Psychology


➧ Workshop on text competence and text quality for students of the Chair of Organizational Psychology at LMU Munich

Führungskräfte Training Medien Training München


➧ Media and communication training for the top management of the automotive supplier Schlemmer Group

Krisenkommunikation wordup pr münchen

Corona crisis

Crisis communication in the corona pandemic on hygiene measures in the company and emergency aid

Interview with professor dr. Monika Schnitzer (LMU Munich)

Economic crisis

➧ ZOOM interview with economics expert Prof. Dr. Monika Schnitzer on the effects of the pandemic