Conception and implementation of excellent events has been one of WORDUP’s clear core competencies right from the start. We believe that only personal contact with journalists, customers, stakeholders and politicians guarantees lasting relationships.

This starts with large events with several hundred guests, such as those we have organized for the linklogo Federal Ministry of Justice or the European Patent Office. Congresses and conferences are also one of our passions, if desired also including the planning and organization of the content. Hybrid events and purely online events have also enriched our linklogo portfolio in the event area since the experiences of the Corona years.  As an experienced event agency Munich, we develop and produce all formats.

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Encounters at eye level


Pressekonferenz Pressearbeit event München

Press conference

➧ Press conference with representatives of the Bavarian political parties in the Munich press club on the occasion of the European elections

hybrid conferenz online konferenz agentur münchen

Hybrid Event

➧ Hybrid Intellectual Property seminar event from the TV studio with live guests and over 300 participants connected online

press talk round table Public Relations Pressclub Munich

Press talk

➧ Presentation of our customer on economic policy topics and application of game theory concepts to journalists in the Munich Press Club

Deutsche Bundesregierung event PR Agency Munich


➧ Symposium “Intellectual Property” of the German Federal Government in the Hall of Honor of the Deutsches Museum in Munich with SIEMENS CEO Heinrich v. Pierer

grand reception organisation event agency Munich

Grand Reception

➧ Farewell to the President of the European Patent Office in the Allerheiligen-Hofkirche in Munich with 350 international guests

Award ceremony PR agency event organisation Munich


➧ Presentation of Europe’s oldest innovation prize, the Diesel Medal, with 200 invited guests in Munich, including Mario Ohoven, Erwin Teufel and Hans Peter Stihl

aviation aerospace roll-out event PR agency


➧ Rollout of the last German regional jet 728 from FairchildDornier in front of 300 international guests

reception event agency Munich

Get together

➧ Annual summer reception of the BVMW Munich in the Rabenwirt inn in Pullach with 120 invited guests

Wiesn IP Forum conference event agancy munich

IP conference

➧ Two day conference “Wiesn IP” with 150 guests from all over Europe at Münchner Künstlerhaus and Oktoberfest

event agency Munich international delegation trip

Delegation trip

➧ Journey to Lithunia for journalists visiting international fair “Air Convention” in Vilnius