Neschen Coating presents new products at Print Expo FESPA
WORDUP PR is an experienced supplier for trade fair Public Relations Munich: On behalf of Neschen Coating GmbH, a medium-sized niche player from Bückeburg (Lower Saxony) with 130 years of company history, WORDUP PR trade fair Public Relations Munich agency accompanies the press relations for the Global Print Expo FESPA in Munich this year.
The specialist for coatings and special printing has been offering self-adhesive films for the protection of books, documents and graphics under the name of Filmolux for more than 60 years. In addition to the Filmolux products, Neschen also presents new printable wallpapers of the GREEN WALL range, the associated easy dot printing technology for latex inks, and the Gudy Fine Art range, a certified drawing solution which has been used in international galleries and museums Use comes.
With the appearance “The Museum” at this year’s FESPA, Neschen and the trading subsidiaries of the Filmolux Group creatively combine art objects of various styles with the Neschen and Filmolux products. At the fair, the new look and feel of the Filmolux Group will also be presented.
“We Take Care”: Under this new claim, the Filmolux sales organization will work as a closer unit with its Europe-wide locations. This step is illustrated by a new, uniform corporate design and the new motto. With this, the company intends to place an even greater focus on individual solutions and services as the sparring partner of its customers.
With the manufacturer Neschen GmbH as the parent company, Filmolux has more than 130 years of experience in the production of glueable and printable media.
Neschen Coating is an investment company of the stock listed Munich Blue Cap AG, which has been successfully advised by WORDUP PR since December 2018. At the end of April, the medium-sized growth financier presented its annual report, which for 2018 shows a year-on-year increase in Group sales to EUR 176.1 million.