New mandate: Contemporary recruiting with targeted communication
WORDUP PR is starting a communication consultancy in the area of employee recruitment and employee retention for a medium-sized company from Munich. Regular content about current developments in the company in various media channels is just as much a part of the defined measures as the optimization of the website for employees and interested parties. Targeted incentives, events and the communication of special offers in the area of employee benefits will also be part of the services provided by the Munich public relations specialists.
“The shortage of skilled workers continues to massively slow down German medium-sized businesses. With our certification in the seven-part training program ‘Digital Recruiting – Attracting and Retaining Skilled Workers’ at Hof University, we have acquired extensive specialist knowledge in this area over the past year,” says WORDUP Managing Director Achim von Michel. “Employee recruitment and employee retention can be significantly increased through attractive and highly visible content if the right channels are used and the appropriate approach is guaranteed. In addition, our many years of experience in the event sector help us plan and design attractive offers for our new customer’s employees.”