Ulrike Protzer: Aufnahme durch Eckert / Heddergott

Science communication: Interview with Bavaria’s top virologist

Transparent and accurate communication is one of the central tasks of all institutions and organizations involved in the Corona crisis. Citizens want to know where we stand in the fight against the global pandemic, how the next steps will be designed and what they can do themselves to optimally protect themselves and others.

Krisenkommunikation Corona Pandemie

Professional crisis communication during the corona pandemic

The global corona pandemic poses immense challenges not only for virologists, hospital doctors, public services, politicians and of course the population in almost all countries. The constant and accurate communication of current developments and events, the directly necessary measures taken by companies and the comprehensive political responses to threatening economic upheavals require constant, professional media and, above all, crisis communication.

Our answer to COVID-19 is: Live streaming

Anyone who has planned to hold or attend events in the coming weeks is likely to face major problems at the moment. Not only the major events such as the Internationale Tourismus Börse (ITB) or the International Handicrafts Fair (IHM) have been canceled due to the increasing spread of the “corona virus”. Smaller events are also increasingly on the brink, as many companies have prohibited their employees from traveling on business or do not want them to take part in events with larger groups of people.

Blue Cap AG: Coverage in leading german newspapers

With strong quotations and well-founded guest contributions, Blue Cap AG board member Dr. Hannspeter Schubert was once again present in several German leading media in the second half of 2019. The most important publications for the Blue Cap AG Management Board included articles in the renowned German business newspaper Handelsblatt and in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). The continuous press work for the listed company has once again led to the desired media perception.

PR Agentur München Universität LMU IfKW Vortrag

PR Lecture at Munich University LMU

In December 2019, WORDUP PR Managing Director and PR Consultant Achim von Michel had the first opportunity to introduce Bachelor students to the field of public relations at the invitation of the Institute for Communication Science (IfKW) at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich (LMU). Around 50 students listened a to varied 90-minute presentation about everyday life in a Munich PR as part of the institute’s lecture series “Communication Professions”, to which ZDF anchorman Claus Kleber and journalist and satirist Oliver Welke were also invited this semester.

Event Management Agentur in München

Intellectual Property Conference at Oktoberfest Munich

Just in time for the Oktoberfest in Munich, the conference “Wiesn IP Forum” took place for the third year in a row in the last week of September. Organized by the Munich law firm AKLaw with patent attorney Wulf Höflich, the recruitment specialists Adamson & Partners and Unified Patents, and in collaboration with Connor Consulting, AST and BVMW, around 100 experts from the international patent scene in the Munich Künstlerhaus discussed patent applications, licensing, disruptive technologies such as 5G, artificial Intelligence and patent litigation.

Logo 5G media initiative broadcast public relations

Technology PR for German 5G Initiative

New project for Munich based technology PR agency WORDUP : 5G promises a multitude of new opportunities as the next generation of mobile telephony. As a comprehensive end-to-end communication system, it will change entire industries and markets. In addition to faster mobile Internet, the expected areas of application of 5G are for example Automated Driving, Industry 4.0, Smart Grid or even eHealth.

Delegationsreise zur Air Convention 2019 in Vilnius

Aviation delegation for new customer Avia Solutions Group

On behalf of the Lithuanian company Avia Solutions Group, WORDUP PR – an expert for Aviation Public Relations in Munich – is currently organizing an exclusive trip for entrepreneurs and journalists to the Air Convention in Vilnius in September.

Messe PR Agentur München

Neschen Coating presents new products at Print Expo FESPA

WORDUP PR is an experienced supplier for trade fair Public Relations Munich: On behalf of Neschen Coating GmbH, a medium-sized niche player from Bückeburg (Lower Saxony) with 130 years of company history, WORDUP PR trade fair Public Relations Munich agency accompanies the press relations for the Global Print Expo FESPA in Munich this year.

Brexit Patente Marken

Exclusive Patent and Trademark event in Paris

On behalf of its client ANAQUA, WORDUP PR is currently organizing an exclusive event on the impact of BREXIT on intellectual property and brand management. On April 18, around 20 experts from the fields of patent and trademark management will discuss possible strategies for dealing with the imminent departure of Great Britain from the European Union at the premises of the Saarländische Landesbank in the renowned Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré.