Owner-managed PR agencies are not being phased out
About the future of PR agencies: In a current article on iBusiness, well-known agency owners and decision-makers from network agencies answer questions when it comes to comparing the advantages of small, owner-managed agencies and larger networks. WORDUP PR owner Achim von Michel also has a say there. He talks about the special drivers that an owner-managed agency has and that arise from the association with one’s own name and personal reputation. “Thanks to many years of experience and a diverse customer base, it is also possible for a small agency to demonstrate both specific industry knowledge and broad PR knowledge,” says von Michel. In his view, the owner-managed agency will therefore still be a long way from being “scrapped” in 2021. Of course, owner-managed PR agencies also have networks that have grown over many years. In addition to stable, reliable contacts in the editorial offices of leading media and specialist publications, at WORDUP PR these are above all the best connections in German and European medium-sized companies as well as in politics. “In the end it is a basic question like that between employed corporate manager and ‘honorable businessman’. My money, my name, my life’s work – these are very strong motivational drivers that the customer can feel directly,” says Achim von Michel to the industry magazine iBusiness . The Munich public relations agency, with a team of currently five employees, successfully looks after customers from Germany, Europe and the US.