environment, environment protection, innovation, sustainability


The Accuramics brand stands for new, strong impulses for the best possible energy utilization – in favor of tangible cost reduction and environmental compatibility. All Accuramics products are of a high quality and ensure more efficiency in the operation of heating systems. The price / performance ratio of the products and systems pays off with certainty: by high quality, clear product advantages and guaranteed energy savings. That is why the company can offer the “Accuramics Guarantee”, which guarantees a sustainable energy saving and an active contribution to environmental protection.

Accuramics is a project of Patent Pool Innovations Management GmbH and has set itself the innovative start-up as the goal to revolutionize the market for optimization of heating systems by a simple, fast-to-install and highly efficient concept. The ceramics stores are manufactured by SaintGobain and experts from Accuramics GmbH are installing the solution in a professional manner.

WORDUP PR Agency for Energy / Clean Energy in Munich supported the company as an external press office and was responsible for all press and media communication activities. The agency relied on its extensive experience in the fields of real estate, hotel industry and energy and also accompanied the project through extensive political lobbying among the relevant stakeholders in the public administration and the German association landscape. Also the maintenance of the corporate blog and the social media presence (Facebook) fell into the agency’s sphere of responsibility.

The agency also supports the topic of energy / clean energy / ecology in other projects such as the Dynahaus of Krieger + Schramm.


years of consultancy

PR services

  • Conception of all PR activities
  • Establishing and executing all press activities
  • Stakeholder and political lobbying
  • Conception and realization of Corporate Blog

media clippings

  • TASPO Online
  • Gartenbau-Portal GABOT
  • Wirtschaftskurier
  • GemeindeZeitung
  • Kommunalwirtschaft
  • Moderne Gebäudetechnik
  • Behördenspiegel
  • IKZ Haustechnik