Print is alive: Handelsblatt supplement on the economic crisis
For the Federal Association of Medium-sized Businesses in recent weeks, employees at WORDUP PR have helped create a supplement for the complete edition of the Handelsblatt, which was published nationwide in the daily newspaper on December 12th. In addition to guest contributions from members of the BVMW political advisory board (federal politicians from the FDP, Greens, CSU and SPD), the supplement also contains text contributions from member companies of the medium-sized business association who present their companies and their positions in exclusive advertorials.
BVMW Chairman Christoph Ahlhaus emphasized in his editorial: “It is time for us to leave the paralyzing time of the leaving government behind us and look forward again.” The BVMW supplement offers concrete solutions to current challenges and shows how SMEs prepares itself successfully for the future. Topics of the future for medium-sized businesses such as the use of artificial intelligence in road construction, digital change in the taxi industry and the future of the world of work and many other innovative ideas give the supplement real impetus for a new start in the coming year.
The supplement can also be accessed as an ePaper HERE.