Professional crisis communication during the corona pandemic
The global corona pandemic poses immense challenges not only for virologists, hospital doctors, public services, politicians and of course the population in almost all countries. The constant and accurate communication of current developments and events, the directly necessary measures taken by companies and the comprehensive political responses to threatening economic upheavals require constant, professional media and, above all, crisis communication.
At WORDUP PR, the focus is initially on the information requirements of our agency customers: How is the security of services from the home office guaranteed? What current information do customers and suppliers need? Do the media need to be informed about unusual measures and events in the company? Which planned events can be implemented as a Live Stream and how can this be organized and communicated quickly?
In addition, Achim von Michel, in his role as press spokesman for the BVMW Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Bavaria, is currently making his network and media expertise permanently available for conveying urgently needed business information. The latest state-of-the-art political aid programs for medium-sized entrepreneurs are disseminated daily via the Bavarian SME portal mittelstandinbayern.de and the Bavarian BVMW state portal.
In live interviews on the radio and in expert statements for private (HERE) and public television in Bavaria, Achim von Michel also classifies political measures and also puts his finger on it into the wound if promised aid programs cannot be implemented promptly enough, for example due to the lack of flexibility of the house banks.
In this constant flood of – currently mostly bad – news from all over the world, it is not always easy to keep a cool head and to spread a minimum of optimism despite all developments. But one thing is certain: the corona pandemic will pass and our societies will ultimately emerge from this crisis stronger after a time of great challenges. At this time, special thanks also go to the employees of WORDUP PR, who maintain the operation as usual in the home office with the latest office tools such as Asana, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Sharepoint and ensure the smooth production and distribution of urgent information.