WORDUP managing director in the jury of the Creator Award 2020
In 2020, the Isarnetz Creator Award by Isarnetz honored Munich’s best content creator for the first time as part of the Münchner Medientage. The Isarnetz Blog Award – this year the Isarnetz Creator Award for the first time – has been presented by Isarnetz since 2012 as part of the Munich Web Week. This year, the award ceremony took place for the first time as part of the Münchner Medientage digital on October 24, 2020. This year, in addition to blogs, YouTube channels, Instagram accounts, TikToker and more were honored – the best content creators. Who produces the coolest videos, posts the most beautiful photos or creates the most exciting content? The jury had its hands full, sifting through the over 100 submissions in the six categories and evaluating them according to defined criteria.
WORDUP PR managing director Achim von Michel was a member of the jury for the “Corporate” area this year and, with two co-jurors, evaluated a total of ten proposals from the various areas of digital communication in companies, universities, research and science. The Isarnetz Creator Award was given digitally on Saturday, October 24th due to the current Corona situation. The winner in the Corporate category is: MEDIALIST by Alexander Pinker.
Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and startup expert. He advises companies on innovations, technologies and emerging trends and founded Medialist Innovation in 2011, which specializes in trend scouting, future research and digital mindsetting. As a board member of the startup network SUN, he gained deep insights into companies of various sizes and industries. He combines the inventiveness of the creative with the analytical eye of the consultant and goes with companies on the search for traces of change and their individual innovation profile in order to pave the way for them in the future and to collaborate with startups, spin-offs or to enable competition. Pinker is a founding member and foresight expert at Futures Space, lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt and author of the book “Innovations in Retail – Innovation Technologies and Digital Strategies for Retailers”.
In order to open the way to the corporate world of tomorrow, MEDIALIST presents information about current trends and developments in the fields of technology, business, innovation and startups in a highly professional and very entertaining way. WORDUP PR managing director Achim von Michel, who has been dealing with the topic of innovation management for more than 15 years, is impressed by the variety of topics and the depth of implementation of the blog: “Alexander Pinker succeeds in making complex topics of the future extremely clear, entertaining and very easy to understand to process. ”
Congratulations, MEDIALIST from WORDUP PR.